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Faith or Fear

I've often given myself much more credit than I truly deserve when it comes to my faith life.  If you catch me on a good day I am likely to tell you that I have an Unshakable Faith that has seen me through many trials and will likely see me through ones to come.  But if I am honest with myself, and anyone who might ask me, I would have to say that the previous statement isn't exactly correct.

The definition to the words faith and fear are as follows:


Strong or unshakable belief in something; something that is
believed especially with strong conviction; belief and trust in
and loyalty to God


   A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, 
etc- whether that threat is real or imagined; the feeling or
condition of being afraid; an unpleasant often strong emotion 
caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.

Now if I take a look at my response to life's circumstances, and compare my responses or reactions to the definitions above, I find that I'm reacting with more FEAR than I am faith.  If we were to truly respond in FAITH.....a truly unshakable faith.....we would not be scared or disturbed by changing circumstances, Dr's diagnosis, strained relationships, financial hardship....or any of the many things that we can allow to effect us. 

I find that I most commonly label my fear as STRESS.  I prefer the word 'stress' over 'fear' because in my mind it sounds better.  Fear has always seemed to me to be an emotion that I either have to control or that I let control me, but stress on the other hand sounds like a force that is imposed from an outside source...and that sounds to me like something that I have less control of...or responsibility for.  (This is of course a justification that I have concocted to make myself feel better.)

The Dictionary defines stress as:


A specific response by the body to a stimulus (physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension), as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism; The physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another.

Perhaps I cannot always control what events place strain or tension on my life, but I can take control over how I choose to respond to it!  The truth for me is that my stress is actually a response to my fear, mostly happening because my circumstances aren't going the way I want them to.  We often have expectations that are not being met, and when this happens we DO have a choice to respond with FAITH or with FEAR.

If faith is truly UNSHAKABLE then my distressing emotions are in reality the opposite of faith because they are chipping away at my belief that God will have His hand on my life in the midst of ALL of my circumstances.   

Faith is a choice.....I must evaluate what I believe about God's character, this is the real heart of the matter.  God either created me in His image, saved me by Grace and the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, and has a plan for me as described in Jeremiah 29:11, or He didn't.  Because I believe the previous statement of God is true, then I MUST choose to allow that truth to govern my every day thoughts and actions!  

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Lord, please help us not to be distracted by the daily circumstances in life.  Help us to keep our eyes on YOU!  With you at the forefront of our thoughts, may we have PEACE, JOY,  FAITHFULNESS, & FORBEARANCE....all of which are fruit of your Holy Spirit.  Help us to truly believe your promises, help us to TRUST you and the reasons that you allow the details of our lives to stray from our self made plans.  When we don't like what we see or what we hear in this life, help us to see you instead.  May all of our actions bring you honor and praise!  ~ Amen


  1. Thank you Jessica - this is such a great reminder to me not to live in fear while making excuses for it...Christ died to give us freedom from fear. I am encouraged by your post to daily take an honest look at my responses and strive to honor God in them.

  2. What a wonderful reminder that I needed to read right this moment. Resting in Him....He is the great calmer of life's storms...

    “He stilled the storm to a whisper;
    the waves of the sea were hushed.” Psalm 107:29


I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, or suggestions!